a diverse
company portfolio

The COI Partners management team has a wealth of experience including 40+ exits, 110+ initial and follow-up investments as well as 25+ advisory and supervisory board mandates


"Listen, but don’t stay silent."

For some people, listening means nothing more than waiting until they can finally say something. Others keep quiet because they have nothing to say. Neither would make good partners. Because in order to move forward, we need conversation: listening, speaking openly and allowing partnership to set the tone.

Dr. Farsin Yadegardjam
Partner at COI Partners

Overview of investment activities


industry filter:

  • Software / Digital Services / IT-Security
  • Others
  • Health-/ Medtech/ Diagnostics/ Life Science
  • E-Commerce / Retail Technology
  • Food & Beverages / Food Tech
  • Advanced Materials / Specialty Chemistry
  • Services
  • Mechanical Engineering / Robotics
  • Hardware

status filter:

  • Current Portfolio
  • Exit